Individual olive washing system with a production capacity of 90/100,000 kg/h. Includes the option of not washing and going directly to the screening and de-stemming process, includes stairs and access and maintenance walkways.
Production: 90/100,000 kg/h WEIGHT: 3,800 kg Power: 18.00 C.V.
*The next step is through our optional washing system. It is made up of a belt with a food conveyor and can be moved pneumatically. The belt has a cleaning scraper to avoid possible clogging with mud or other waste, a problem that occurs with other brands. This system is another of the points by which we achieve such a low compact system, as it transports the fruit horizontally and not vertically like other brands. - DOUBLE STONE CONVEYOR OUTLET:
*If the washing option is selected, the olive is separated from the stone by density, this is achieved by creating a pool of water in a channel, the fruit floats and the stone goes to the bottom and is dragged to the outside by a double screw conveyor. This channel is fed by a submersible pump, we use this version because it doesn’t cause any obstruction problems. The water goes up from the tank through two pipes, one with a wider diameter to provide flow and the other narrower with a double outlet mouth which provides more pressure, making the olive pass through at higher speeds. This process is skipped if we choose not to wash.
*Regardless of whether we choose to wash or not, the next step is through the 28-roller screen, which is 3 mm thick, 60 mm in diameter and 2 m wide. Composed of convergent rings which we use to spread out the fruit for good drainage of water, there is a further screening of any remaining impurities like loose skins, stones, mud, etc. that the olive releases in the washing process. - DESTEMMER:
*Finally, directly from the screen the next step is through a destemmer formed by nylon spindles. This is at the same level as the previous screen so that sticks and small branches can’t get into the position of sneaking in with the olive. De-stemming is done after washing, since the olive is as clean as possible and therefore avoids obstructions between the rollers where it has to be strained.
*Finally, we would like to highlight the low electrical consumption with which our machine works whilst achieving a very high performance, this proven by our claims of 90,000 kg/hour production capacities which are easily reachable with an acceptable level. Furthermore, we are manufacturers of elements included in the offer, manufactured with leading brands in motors, bearings, certified food belts, etc.